So here are 10 Things I Love that start with T:
1. The Girl. I love her best of all!

2. Treats. No "T" list would be complete without treats! My favourite treats are bully sticks, cheese, and everything else! The Girl is too lazy to get up and gather a bunch of my treats together to take a picture, so here are some images I found on the web.

Image from, a random site. No endorsement intended or implied.

Image from

3. Time for bed! This means that I get my Omega-3 dentastick, which I LOVE. It is not a treat, I get it every night at bedtime.
4. Toys. Especially squeeky squirrels. And puppets. The Girl gets me hand puppets from the thrift store, and I love to be allowed to bite her hand! I destroyed my last squirrel a couple of days ago, and my hand puppet dinosaur has disappeared (The Girl: Because he destroyed that, too!). But this is my new favourite toy, the Pink Ducky! Also pictured are my pink flamingo, and Sheepy. Both are long gone, though.
5. Turkey. Very tasty! We didn't have turkey for Thanksgiving this year, but I sure do like it! Technically a treat, but worth mentioning on it's own.

Image from:
6. Tomatoes. Not a treat; I am entitled to a portion of every tomato The Girl cuts.

Image from:
7. The Mailman. He gives me cookies.

Not our actual Mailman. Image from
8. Tug. I love to play tug with my toys. When I came to The Girl, I didn't know how to play with toys at all, and I didn't have a clue about tugging. But it didn't take me long to learn!
9. Tails. I love to wag my tail! The Girl says it's a very good thing that I'm so waggy, because my face is usually hound-doggy sad. She tried to get some pictures of me wagging my tail, but as soon as she focused the camera on my hind end, I stopped wagging.
10. Trees. They hold birds and squirrels! And they are also good to pee on! I wanted The Girl to take a picture of my favourite tree in the backyard, but it's raining, and she refuses to go out. If you can imagine! So here is just some tree.

Image from
That was so fun! If you'd like to play, let me know and I'll give you a letter!
Hi, Dannan!
Your like great T things!
What can I do to make my mean mailman to give me treats??
Kisses and hugs
Wow, this sounds like fun! And your list is great!
Isn't tug fun? It rocks. the dog park.
Time...with the humans.
Tug...agree w/Biggie-Z.
hello dannan its dennis the vizsla dog hay that is a grate list it is too bad abowt yore toyz they just dont mayk them the way they yoozd to eh??? ok bye
I love twicken it,s well thats how the tny human says it.
I like tomatoes too! When I go to my Grandma and Grandpa's house, I get to pick them right off the vine!
It's nice to meet you. Come by and visit sometime!
Poppy the Little Blonde Chihuahua
Pee Ess: I'm a shelter dog too!
You have a tewwific list of Ts..I get sick fwom bully sticks, it makes me mad, cause evewyone else gets to enjoy them soo much..You awe sooo bootiful in those you bwush youw haiw 100 times evewyday to make it so shiny???
smoochie kisses
Lorenza, The Girl doesn't know how I got the mailman to give me cookies. She just happened to look outside one day to see a cookie poking through the gate! The mailman asked if it was ok if he gave me cookies, and she said yes!
Thanks, Poppy, for dropping by! We'll drop over to your bloggy sometime soon!
Hi, everybody else!
And Asta... The Girl is ashamed to admit it, but she hardly ever brushes me! I am just naturally a shiny coated dog!
that was a great list!! I think my favorite was the toy. I don't get plushies any more becuase they explode!
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