Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dog, are our faces red!

Oh my dogness, we totally have red faces! We've been catching up on all the blogs that we fell behind on... and we discovered that the Desert Pups had given us awards! How rude they must think we are, to not even say thank you! Desert Pups, we are so very sorry to have just (finally) read your (gasp!) Septemeber 25th post. We weren't ignoring you, we promise! (The Girl is going into a time out as soon as she finishes typing this for me!) These are the awards they gave us:

And here is my sadness:

And this is the closest The Girl could get to making her face red:

Desert Pups, please forgive us!!


Lorenza said...

Congratulations on your Awards!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

Congwatulations on youw awawd!!!
You desewve all of them, and I'm suwe the desewt doggies undewstand..sometimes ouw hoomans wun out of time and fowget stuff.
Don't be sad pleez..have a nice snooze..you and youw Mom awe so cawing a good..i'm pwoud to be youw fwiend
smoochie kisses

Unknown said...

Oh Dannan, you are truly oh so sad and emo!

Congrats on all the awards!!


Miss Mina and even Celeste

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Thanks for keeping Jody in your prayers. Congratulations on your awards and don't feal sad...the Mommy forgets stuff all the time.

Love Mona

BenTheRotti said...

Oh we have so many awards to post and say thank you for, we are sooo embarrassed, the doggys will understand hopefully.. but we know how you feel. Ive been keeping the secretary (aka Mum) rather busy though so I am gonna take full responsibility!

Don't be sad, just blame the two legged!


Ben xxxx

The Oceanside Animals said...

Congratulations on all your awards!


Woof Dannan,

Don't worry about it. All humans get really busy sometimes and forget to focus on what's really important, like doggie blogging. Anyway, we are sorry for not stopping by sooner. Our Mom is real busy as work too and it really bites.

Desert Pups

Joe Stains said...

My Mom understands about this kind of stuff, she has been so busy!

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Congrats on all your awards Dannan. *Sigh* Humans-they do fall short, don't they? :)