Hi, everypuppy and kitty. I am allowing The Girl to post pictures of the Min Pins today. But they are NOT writing the entry, and they are also NOT getting a regular feature! Just so we're all clear that this is out of the goodness of my heart, never to be repeated!
Lexi and Khavana sometimes sleep touching each other. Most of the time, though, they have standoffs. Three years in, and they still haven't worked out who's the boss. Of them. I, of course, am the boss of everyone. (The Girl - Keep dreamin', bud!)
Min Pin destruction.

Butt sniffing. Very popular at our house. Probably also at yours.
Khavana doesn't fit under the couch very well, but she does try! Note the Min Pin destruction of the couch liner.

This is Lexi, apparently forgetting what breed she is.

According to Lexi, the best thing about outside is hunting for bugs and other eatables. This is what she does outside.

Lexi is a wimpy dog who has to wear a coat. (The Girl - Lexi gets very cold very easily. Her fur isn't very thick. She spends a lot of time lying on the furnace vent in the winter.)
This is the Brat lying in MY DOG BED.

And this is a picture of Lexi as a pup. Funny looking little thing, don'tcha think?

As mentioned above, there will be no more Min Pin Mondays. Just all Dannan, all the time!
(The Girl - We might find room for the odd post about the Min Pins. Don't tell Dannan!
Also, thanks again to everyone for your good thoughts about The Roomie's brother. We'll know more about his condition tonight.)
ROFLMAO! Such adorable lil dogs they are...but oh my, the destruction!!!
You know, it could be worse than Mini Pin Monday. You could have to go to the Vet every Monday, or have a bath every Monday. Just putting things in perspective. :-D
Ooo min pins look fun! We need some min pins to come do flyball with us. :)
Aren't couches always for chewing?
Louie and Callie lay next to each other but they have to touch. We figure it is so that if either one moves the other one knows it. Since they can't hear this is their way of alerting each other. Of course they both usually lay next to mom touching her so they know when she moves. They wouldn't want to miss anything..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hmmm, you better be careful Just like Roscoe, those min pins are trying to take over the world, oops I mean the blog!
My best friend Buddy is a Min Pin! I think your so cool Dannan! I'm so glad you found my blog...or...I found yours...or however that may have happened I just always laugh when I come over here! BOL!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
I suwe hope youw blog is not taken ovew..the minpins awe vewy cute..BUT! this is youw bloggie and you awe the cutest,,they'we little destwuctos awen't they hehehe
smoochie kisses
Hi Dannan
The min pins are cute, but I come here to see you. Don't worry so does everybody else. I will be waiting for the update on your Roomie. Hope everthing is ok.
Love Ruby
aawww they are adorable.. I don't think I will be allowing Mum to get any though.. she doesn't handle destruction well!! BOL!
Keep us updated on Roomies Bro. he is in our prayers.
love and tailwags,
Ben xxxx
Lexi - Way to rock that coat! Who cares what they say...you're looking marvelous!
I like MinPin Monday! But I like Dannan every other day of the week!
Stay firm, don't let those rascals get a day, because they will NEVER give it up. Trust me, I know!
Ha ha them thangs is little bitty dawgs! I does not like dawgs but I will put up with little bitty dawgs. Mummy sez its cause I do not know that little dawgs is reely dawgs but she sez I thinks they is a difrent type of animal like a bunny. Oh come on Mummy give me a little credit! They still smells like dawgs.
hello dannan its dennis the vizsla dog hay luk at the min pin wot thinks it is a poynter that is so kyoot!!!! maybe we can go owt poyntng and retreeving sum time ha ha ok bye
They are cute, but not as cute as you Dannon!
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