Happy Saturday, everyone! The Girl here.
Our good friend Daisy posted yesterday about the release of Beverly Hills Chihuahua. She used this great poster, and told us to distribute it far and wide.
The issue here is that after a movie starring dogs is released, there is often a rush by people to get a dog "just like" the one in the movie. I think most of us know how 101 Dalmatians led to massive overbreeding (and irresponsible breeding) of the Dalmatian.
This can also happen after a TV show, such as Frasier, which led to many people buying Jack Russell terriers without a real understanding of the breed's needs.
Because they don't know the real needs of the dog they are getting, people end up surrendering many, many of these poor animals to SPCAs, humane societies, and other animal shelters. Their expectations don't square with the reality of the breed, and they give them up.
Now we've got a movie about Chihuahuas. It looks like a cute and fun movie. But we want to get the word out: if watching this movie makes you want to have a Chihuahua of your very own, PLEASE do your research! Learn about the breed to find out if your lifestyle and the Chi lifestyle are compatible.
And just as important, PLEASE start your search for your new Chi best friend at animal shelters and rescue groups!
Not long ago, I did a post about puppy mills. Well folks, this is just the kind of situation that has puppy mill owners and irresponsible backyard breeders rubbing their hands together in glee (and greed). They know that there will be an increased demand for Chihuahuas as a result of this movie, and they will overbreed and inbreed the poor Chis in order to meet this demand.
What many people might not know is that the Chihuahua is the fifth most posted breed on www.petfinder.com. (This is a great site! It advertises the animals available for adoption at shelters, rescue groups, and animal control facilities all over North America. I just did a search for Chihuahuas in Western Canada and the Western US, and I stopped looking once I hit 500 dogs up for adoption. I don't know how many more there were, but seriously: 500 Chihuahuas!) There are so many Chis out there already who are looking for a home. If you or someone you know decides that they want a Chihuahua, please adopt one from a shelter or rescue!
Spread the word! Rescue dogs are AWESOME!
Thank you for spreading this very important message!! Love, Roscoe the Chihuahua (mix) that was rescued form the streets and Daisy
Thanks for letting us know about this. The Chihuahua movie looks cute, but I sure hope that everyone who wants a chihuahua will look into it more carefully and hopefully rescue one from the shelter!
I hope you're having a GRRRReat weekend my friend!
Rescue RULES. My ma ape was worried about a rush on corgis after The Queen. If only more people knew about the incredible dogs you can find in shelters!
wally t.
hello the girl its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo ar rite rescue dogs are awsum just luk at me i am a sooperhero and an advencherer and a suksesful biznessdog or at leest i wuz until trouble the kitty stole all my munny!!!! ennyway thanks for spredding the wurd ok bye
This is a great post, the message needs to be spread!
Hi Dannan,
Thanks for helping to get the word out! Me and all 3 of my sisters are rescues, and we love it when people show their support. Mind if I borrow that poster to put on my blog?
Murphy Dogg
Beverly Hills Chihuahua is a fantastic movie clearly out standing movie that i have been watch so nice to see a films made for children it also have action in it too
I found it on I watched on http://www.80millionmoviesfree.com I've recommended it to a lot of people on here and I've gotten good reviews
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