Wrooooo, every pup and kitty cat!
Dannan here, and I'm overjoyed to be blogging today! The Girl has been groaning and moaning about how sickie she is, but she did admit that she is feeling better than yesterday. And I said, hot
doggie! Let's get blogging!
The Girl did indeed go to Penelope's Ball on Friday night, which is the local
SPCA's last major event for the calendar year. I told her that she had to get a picture of herself in her costume so I could post it on the
bloggy. (She puts any and every kind of picture of me on here, it's only fair.) I obviously wasn't clear enough in my instructions. She waited until near the end to get someone to take her picture, and by then, the costume looked quite the worse for wear!

The Girl is the one in the grey
blobby costume. She went as a dust bunny. At the start of the evening, she was pretty well covered by grey and white fluffy stuff. Through the evening, she apparently "lost" a lot of her fluffs... she says, what else can you expect of a dust bunny? (The Girl here. I hadn't realized how much I'd lost until after I saw this picture! I really
should have had the picture taken earlier!)
The Girl tells me that a good time was had by all. I don't know how that could be, since there were no doggies allowed, no kitties, no pets at all. I don't have any idea how they passed the time! The Girl says there was really tasty food - build your own tacos and then build your own sundaes for dessert, and then they had
cha cha cha lessons. Then the one-man band played, and everybody danced and had a good time.
Dancing is one thing The Girl does like, I have to say. I am always telling her that
I do not dance, and
no, I will not dance with her. I'm glad she had a place to go do that, maybe she won't ask me for a while.
There was some talk of changing the event from a fundraiser to a staff and volunteer appreciation event. The Girl says that it really is more a place for everyone to have fun and celebrate all their hard work, rather than a big money-maker. They probably made $600 or $700 at the end of the day, after all the expenses were paid. The Girl thinks that's pretty good, and that the local fundraiser did a great job!
There might be a picture out there from earlier in the evening that might show The Girl's dust-bunny-
ness better. I'll put it up if we find one.
(The Girl wants to thank the
Mango Man for his wonderful comment on the
first Penelope's Ball post. He said, "I know the peoples can be camera shy. I don't know why. They all love doggies which makes them just sparkle in my eyes." She said it made it easier for her to put these pictures up, and really touched her heart. So thanks, Mango Man!)
Now, on to ME! After all, it is my
bloggy. Not hers, she has her own. Girlie, go post there!
We had planned to do a posting on Saturday about Pit Bull Awareness Day. But The Girl had too much wine on Friday night (The Girl - Hey! I've been sick!), and she didn't take dictation for me. So even though it's late, we're still going to do a post about pit bulls soon.
In other
Dannan-related news, my friend
Bolo (who is famous for his Nose Reports) is doing a
November Nose Expose! He will post a nose picture, and we get to guess what
breed's nose it is, and we get extra points if we know
whose nose it is! So I have asked The Girl to take some pictures of my nose.

Um, a little blurry, Girlie. We'll have to work on it. At least this one was better than
this one!

How's THAT for blurry! I bet we're making
somedoggy motion sick just looking at it! The Girl doesn't take close ups very often,
BOL! We'll keep trying, though.
And here is a picture of me, just because you need to see at least one decent photo!

The Girl is holding a treat for me. Can you tell by the craning of my neck?