Friday, November 21, 2008

Awards and holiday cards!

Wrooooo, my furends! Don't tell The Girl, but I think this makes it THREE DAYS in a ROW that I got to post!

We got some awards that we have to tell you about. The first one is from Sunny and Scooter, the Texas Sun Dogs.

This award was created by a Mommy in honour of the donor of the heart that saved her son, Noah's life. Please drop by her site to read the story behind the award, it will touch your heart.

Organ donation is something that we really believe in. The Girl's nephew, Adam, had a liver transplant that saved his life. So we are proud to post this award on our site. (We'll get it on the sidebar soon.)

This award comes with rules, but they're pretty good:

The rules of this award are: SHARE THE LOVE!!! Share this award with all those blogs out there that you love. All the people who make you smile. All those that make you laugh. All those that make your day. All those that leave uplifting comments on your blog. **All I ask, is that you include a link to this post with the award and ask your recipient to do the same**

The other award we got is from Kess the Malaysian Beagle! It is the Gold Paw Award, and she wrote that we are a "human and canine with hearts of gold"! We are so touched by the award and Kess's words. They really lifted our hearts.

We have also been so touched by the words that all of our good furends have been leaving in our comments section! You are all WONDERFUL furends, and we are so thankful to have you in our lives. The furends we've made on DWB are the best of all possible furends!

That's why we are passing these two awards on to all of you! We've given out the Gold Paw before, but if you don't have it, please take it! And the Sharing the Love award, that's for each and evfurry one of you!

The other thing I wanted to write about today is our HOLIDAY CARDS!!!! I am so excited about the Holiday Card exchange that my tail is about to fall off! We have shared some pictures from Christmases past with you, and many pictures from this fall that didn't make the cut. I have cleverly kept back the picture we did go with, but you'll all get to see it soon!

The Girl is making our cards this year. (She is craft-impaired, so please don't expect too much, especially our artistically inclined furends! They are crafted with love, though!) The Girl says we don't have a lot of money for stamps, so we're not sure how many we'll send through snail mail. (Girlie says at least 30, hopefully 40.) But we both agreed that we want evfurry doggy and kitty on the list (and the ones that we know that aren't on the list) to get something from us, so we're going to send email cards to evfurryone else!

We're aiming to get our cards in the snail mail thing, whatever that means, on Monday or Tuesday at the latest. But we don't know when to send the email ones. Bolo asked this question on his bloggy, too, and said they thought not before Dec. 1st. Does anydoggy or kitty know when the best time to send the email cards would be?

Finally, a picture to share.

It's a little blurry, but The Girl likes it. (She calls it Foot and Tail... I say, DUH!) We're uploading other pictures, but it's taking a long time to get them moved from the card to the computer. So hopefully, tomorrow there will be LOTS of pictures!


I is Jake said...

No worries, it seems dis time of year da hoomans get a bit weird. Even my mom hasn't been on the bloggie much.

We is glad yoo guys are doin okay so eat sum extra doggie biscuits *OHBOYOHBOYOHBOY* and take it easy!

I is Jake!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Dannan!
I hope you get my card soon!
Last year we sent the ecards the first week of december.
Have a great weekend
Kisses and hugs

Biggie-Z said...

Congratulations on your awards! I'm catching up your posts in reverse order so I'm glad to hear everything is ok before I hear that anything is wrong. I hope in addition to letting you post, The Girl is also taking you to the dog park.

Snorts, Biggie

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Hey Dannan.....well done on all the awards! If we catch a bunny we'll send you some of it.......maybe a paw, they're supposed to be lucky, right? They are quick little beggars though!
Slobbers xx

wally said...

Hi Dannan!

That award is pretty cool. We are really busy here and I haven't even had time to pose for our cards! We'll have to work on that.

I think your highlights are lovely. I have them, too. On my chest and back toes. Also on the chin, though my ape said that's just old age.


Bobby said...

Hi, Tell your girl I am sorry she was feeling down, I do hope everything is okay now. Our cards will be going soon but all in snail mail would cost a fortune.

Joe Stains said...

We love the Christmas card exchange so much! We should be getting our pics taken this weekend, Mom has been threatening all week! Congrats on your awards.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Congratulations on the awards! It looks like you're pointing at your tail there -- is that the first time you've spotted it? ;-)

the many Bs said...

hi Dannan, your paw-made cards sound really nice. we love the DWB card exchange.

congrats on those wonderful awards.


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We missed you too.
that is a really cool picture. Mom takes some weird ones too..
Guess it is a Mom's nature..
Congrads on the awesome awards.

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie