Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bully stick!!!

Wroo!  The other day, The Girl and My Nanny went away for a while.  They do that sometimes, and I am always sad when I don't get to go.  I miss My Girlie when she's not here, you know.

But then they came home (and I was SO happy to see them!) and GIRLIE BROUGHT ME A BULLY STICK!!!!!!

(I really love bully sticks!  I am a super-strong chewer, so The Girl gets me the thickest ones she can find.  Then, once a bully stick gets down to about four inches long, someone has to take it away from me, because I will swallow it.) 

Chewing bully sticks is my hobby, I've decided.  The Girl was saying the other day that someone she volunteers with was asking her what her hobbies are, and I decided that I need a hobby or two myself.  Hobby number one, chewing bully sticks!

Sorry about the oogy colours on these pictures.  The Girl is trying to figure out how to use her new camera.  (Note from The Girl: I suppose I could read the manual, but so far I've just been experimenting.)  And she informs me that it is hard to get good pictures of me chewing that don't all look the same!


Kellee the Caffeinated said...

MMMMMM we love bully sticks too!!!! Enjoy!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh my!

The nekhtar of the dogs: BULLYSTIKHKS!

PeeEssWoo: So nice to see all these pikhs of WOO!

Anonymous said...

I love me a good bullystick!! I swallow the ends too.


Dexter said...

I LOVE bully sticks, but I have to enjoy them outside because they are STINKY!

Hey! My idiot momma won't read the manual either. Duh. Like last week Grandpa showed her a cool thing her camera can do that she totally didn't know about and she has had it for three whole years. Sheesh.


D.K. Wall said...

We get 6 inch bully sticks, but we can eat them all. Since they are all natural, no worries.

As for reading the manuals, our hu-dad is a guy and he says it is illegal for guys to actually read the instruction manual.

Khady Lynn said...

Wow! You are going totally crazy with that bully stick! That was very nice of your girl to get that for you!


World of Animals, Inc said...

That bully stick looks so big. We hope that you enjoy it and then go back into your comfy bed behind you. Thanks for the share. Have a fantastic rest of your day.
World of Animals