Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Letter to Santa

Dear Santa,

I want a cat.  PLEASE bring me a cat!  Just a little one...  I have been a good boy this year, just ask my Girlie and my Nanny and my Papa.  I would really like a cat of my own, one that I can chase and play with and WROO at.  Last year, Nanny told me that she would get me a blind, old, toothless cat, but I've been waiting and waiting, and so far, no cat.  I think she forgot.  So please help her out, Santa, and bring me one this Christmas.  Any cat will do, especially if it's the fluffy black one that I watch out the window every day.

Oh, and maybe you could bring Girlie something to help her get better, so she can do more stuff with me and help me do my bloggy again, and visit all my bloggy furends.  That would be good, too.  But a cat would be better, so if you can only bring me one present, I'd rather have a cat.

Thank wroo, Santa!
Dannan, The Little Brown Dog


Dexter said...

Oh Dannan! I think if Santa made girlie feel better then you would not be asking so much for a cat. I hope that you both get what you want and need for the holidays.

I've really missed you and worry about your girlie when you are gone for so long.


Tibby said...

Hi Dannan!
I sure hope you get everything you want this year! But I do hope if Santa Paws can only bring you one thing it's something to make your girlie better! Wishing you the best holiday season ever (even if you don't get a cat)!
:) Tibby

Stella said...

Hey, Sweet Dannan!

If your girlie got better, let me tell you your old blogging buddies would be way more fun than a cat. Or least as fun! We miss you, and maybe it would be good for girlie to be in touch with us too. We love her and you and want you back,
won't you come?

Love and kisses,

Pei In The Life said...

Dannan! Girlie! We've missed you. Glad you're both doing ok. We hope Santa Paws brings you everything BOTH of you need to feel better and come back to the Blogosphere.

Nose Kisses

Bobby said...

Great to see you back buddy, I think if Santapaws made your girlie better that would be a very best present. Cats have claws, and can jump high.

Scout and Freyja said...

We are hoping that your girlie goes to the shelter to get you a kitten BUT if you get one you have to be very tender and kind and sweet to the little fur ball.

We are hoping that your girlie feels better soon. It's no fun at all to be sick.

D.K. Wall said...

Why oh why do we think Santa is not going to bring you your own kitty for Christmas?

Joe Stains said...

Well we hope you get BOTH things. We miss you!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I keep seeing plenty of available khytties...

Maybe THIS is your year...

Of khourse, we hope your Girlie gets something to make her feel better!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Dannan!
I really hope Santa brings health for your Girl... and a cat for you!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Fred said...

I want a baby brother!

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

We are soooo happy to see you. Mom would like to email your mom if that's ok. We do worry you know. I think Mango is right. About the girlie getting better being your best gift. (Then she might get you a cat herself ;)
I got a new bruvver. What a pain.
I tell ya Dannan, you gotta get girlie to help you blog. Mom wants to tell her all about armadillos and stuff(don't ask, let the hoomans talk about it)

PLEASE,PLEASE make the girl blog just 1 time a week. Just go on and on til she does. K?
Sunny & Scooter &Shamus the pain in the, uh, everywhere! & Jamie

River said...

Hi Dannan! You can arooo at us anytime. Tell your girlie we miss reading about your adventures. We hope Santa will bring peace of mind to her this Christmas. Take good care of her and yourself.

love & wags,

Burning Moon said...

Hi Dannan,
We have a cat here that is only about a year old and loves EVERYONE!!! And that includes doggies. My Mama is fostering him until his ear mites get all better and go away and then he'll be looking for a forever home. She made him get fixed already and he's got his rabies shot and he gets pills every day to take care of his mites.
I wish you could come and get him but we live in Texas and that might be too far away. He's black like your friend that you look at too!

nl1990 said...

Welcome back Dannan (and your girlie too!) like the rest, I worry when we don't hear from you - and I'm just a lurker/sometimes commenter :)

I hope Santa brings you both those presents!!

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

We are so glad you visited us Dannan and the girl!! WOOOOOOO
Sunny,Scooter,Shamus & Mom