Wroo! I am getting to write on my bloggy again! We haven't been visiting much yet, but at least I get to post again this weekend!
And there are new pictures, too! Girlie took them last weekend - I made her do something I wanted her to do! Wroooooooooooo!
I tried to use the little white clicky box on her, but darned if I can figure out how she makes it work. Poking it with my nose, bashing it with my paw... neither made it make the magic clicky noise. And I can't get into the fridge to get treats for her, anyway. (The Girl notes that if Dannan did somehow manage to figure out how to open the fridge, he would probably eat all the treats himself!) Very funny, Girlie. No "wroo" for you!
Speaking of the whole nose-poking business... I have added a new and exciting feature to that silly "touch" game that The Girl likes to play! It's ever so much more fun this way, let me tell you how I do it! The furst few times, I just poke her quietly. But then, I add noise to the poke. I start small, just little "rrrrrrrrrrrr" kinds of sounds. Then I gradually get louder, "RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR", and as I get louder, I start slamming my nose into her hand. It's much more exciting that way!
Enjoy the pictures! I was having SO much fun in the backyard that day (like I do most days, wroo!), and I didn't even mind that The Girl had that stupid silver box pointed at me!
Looking for birdies in the cherry tree...
More looking for birdies...
Sometimes it helps if you sit...
Still looking...